Risk Management
Portfolio analysis
We help you build your benchmark and adapt if necessary.
Standard risk metrics
Sharpe, Alpha, Beta, Sortino, Calmar, MDD, Value-at-Risk, Monte Carlo, ...
Over 25 years of data
Monthly database spans back to 1994 and daily database spans back to 1998.
Risk alerts
Our system spots the changes in risk composition of your portfolio before they happen.
Calculation of lots of MiFID II parameters and potential losses.
Complete database
230 assets included in our database : equities, fixed income, currencies, hedge funds, commodities, real estate, private equity.
Innovative risk metrics
Ratios detailed analysis.
In-depth analysis or risk contribution : which assets, when, how ?
Reliable solution
Detailed reports based on your strategy, on a monthly basis, from a strong team of professionals.
Multi-assets or 100% equities
Works with multi assets portfolios as well as pure equities portfolios.
Currency analysis with their impact on the risk of your portfolio.